Data Science for Making the World a Better Place

There's a good chance that great data science is going on close to you, and that it's going toward making your city, state, country, and planet a better place.  Not all the data science questions being tackled out there are about finding the sleekest new algorithm or billion-dollar company idea--there's a whole world of social data science that just wants to make the world a better place to live in.

Kalman Runners

The Kalman Filter is an algorithm for taking noisy measurements of dynamic systems and using them to get a better idea of the underlying dynamics than you could get from a simple extrapolation.  If you've ever run a marathon, or been a nuclear missile, you probably know all about these challenges already.  By the way, we neglected to mention in the episode: Katie's marathon time was 3:54:27!

Neural Net Inception

When you sleep, the neural pathways in your brain take the "white noise" of your resting brain, mix in your experiences and imagination, and the result is dreams (that is a highly unscientific explanation, but you get the idea).  What happens when neural nets are put through the same process?  Train a neural net to recognize pictures, and then send through an image of white noise, and it will start to see some weird (but cool!) stuff.


Google Research Blog, Inceptionism: Going Deeper into Neural Networks



Not to oversell it, but the student's t-test has got to have the most interesting history of any statistical test.  Which is saying a lot, right?  Add some boozy statistical trivia to your arsenal in this epsiode.

PFun with P Values

Doing some science, and want to know if you might have found something?  Or maybe you've just accomplished the scientific equivalent of going fishing and reeling in an old boot?  Frequentist p-values can help you distinguish between "eh" and "oooh interesting".  Also, there's a lot of physics in this episode, nerds.


Gelman, P Values and Statistical Practice

Yiddish Translation

Imagine a language that is mostly spoken rather than written, contains many words in other languages, and has relatively little written overlap with English.  Now imagine writing a machine-learning-based translation system that can convert that language to English.  That's the problem that confronted researchers when they set out to automatically translate between Yiddish and English; the tricks they used help us understand a lot about machine translation.


Genzel, Macherey, and Uszkoreit: Creating a High-Quality Machine Translation System for a Low-Resource Language: Yiddish

Random Number Generation

Let's talk about randomness! Although randomness is pervasive throughout the natural world, it's surprisingly difficult to generate random numbers. And even if your numbers look random (but actually aren't), it can have interesting consequences on the security of systems, and the accuracy of models and research. 

In this episode, Katie and Ben talk about randomness, its place in machine learning and computation in general, along with some random digressions of their own.

Links: Mersenne Twister

Electoral Insights Part 2

Following up on our last episode about how experiments can be performed in political science, now we explore a high-profile case of an experiment gone wrong. 

An extremely high-profile paper that was published in 2014, about how talking to people can convince them to change their minds on topics like abortion and gay marriage, has been exposed as the likely product of a fraudulently produced dataset. We’ll talk about a cool data science tool called the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, which a pair of graduate students used to reverse-engineer the likely way that the fraudulent data was generated. 

But a bigger question still remains—what does this whole episode tell us about fraud and oversight in science?


Irregularities in LaCour

The Case of the Amazing Gay Marriage Data: How a graduate student reluctantly uncovered a huge scientific fraud

Electoral Insights Part 1

The first of our two-parter discussing the recent electoral data fraud case. The results of the study in question were covered widely, including by This American Life (who later had to issue a retraction).

Data science for election research involves studying voters, who are people, and people are tricky to study—every one of them is different, and the same treatment can have different effects on different voters.  But with randomized controlled trials, small variations from person to person can even out when you look at a larger group.  With the advent of randomized experiments in elections a few decades ago, a whole new door was opened for studying the most effective ways to campaign.

Link: The Victory Lab

Reporter Bot

There’s a big difference between a table of numbers or statistics, and the underlying story that a human might tell about how those numbers were generated. 

Think about a baseball game—the game stats and a newspaper story are describing the same thing, but one is a good input for a machine learning algorithm and the other is a good story to read over your morning coffee. Data science and machine learning are starting to bridge this gap, taking the raw data on things like baseball games, financial scenarios, etc. and automatically writing human-readable stories that are increasingly indistinguishable from what a human would write. 

In this episode, we’ll talk about some examples of auto-generated content—you’ll be amazed at how sophisticated some of these reporter-bots can be. By the way, this summary was written by a human. (Or was it?)


Careers in Data Science

Let’s talk money. As a “hot” career right now, data science can pay pretty well. But for an individual person matched with a specific job or industry, how much should someone expect to make? 

Since Katie was on the job market lately, this was something she’s been researching, and it turns out that data science itself (in particular linear regressions) has some answers. 

In this episode, we go through a survey of hundreds of data scientists, who report on their job duties, industry, skills, education, location, etc. along with their salaries, and then talk about how this data was fed into a linear regression so that you (yes, you!) can use the patterns in the data to know what kind of salary any particular kind of data scientist might expect.

Link: 2014 O'Reilly Data Science Salary Survey

Neural Nets Part 2

In the last episode, we zipped through neural nets and got a quick idea of how they work and why they can be so powerful. Here’s the real payoff of that work:

In this episode, we’ll talk about a brand-new pair of results, one from Stanford and one from Google, that use neural nets to perform automated picture captioning. One neural net does the object and relationship recognition of the image, a second neural net handles the natural language processing required to express that in an English sentence, and when you put them together you get an automated captioning tool. Two heads are better than one indeed...


Neural Nets Part 1

There is no known learning algorithm that is more flexible and powerful than the human brain. That's quite inspirational, if you think about it--to level up machine learning, maybe we should be going back to biology and letting millions of year of evolution guide the structure of our algorithms. 

This is the idea behind neural nets, which mock up the structure of the brain and are some of the most studied and powerful algorithms out there. In this episode, we’ll lay out the building blocks of the neural net (called neurons, naturally) and the networks that are built out of them. 

We’ll also explore the results that neural nets get when they're used to do object recognition in photographs.

Link: Lee, Grosse, Ranganath, Ng: Convolutional Deep Belief Networks for Scalable Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Representations